Those evenings of the brain

for contralto and trombone
on texts by Emily Dickinson
2022 | duration 8′

Written for Fanny Alofs and Sebastiaan Kemner
Commissioned by Silbersee & Lonelinoise for the program Harmony of the Spheres

More info about Harmony of the Spheres

Live recording from the premiere at November Music 2022: Sebastiaan Kemner, trombone & Fanny Alofs, voice

12.11.2022 Sebastiaan Kemner & Fanny Alofs, November Music, Den Bosch
03.12.2022 Sebastiaan Kemner & Fanny Alofs, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
28.01.2022 Sebastiaan Kemner & Fanny Alofs, Noorderkerk, Amsterdam