Festival miXXer, Ferrara
20-22 May 2011
Saturday 21th May
h 11.00 Biblioteca Ariostea | Anteprima New Tubes – Incontro con gli autori
Presented by Lorenzo Rubboli
h 17.30 Ridotto del Teatro Comunale
NEW TUBES musiche oggi
New Music Arena | Thierry Tidrow and Thanasis Deligannis
in collaboration with the Composition Department of Conservatorium van Amsterdam
Sunday 22th May
h 10-20 Suoni per un giorno
h 17 Sala San Paolo
Giuliano Bracci | Con il disincanto, l’incanto e la frenesia | read notes
Laura Polimeno, Daniela Troilo (voices), Morena Mestieri (fl), Giulio Arnofi (guit), Alessandra Targa (hp), Stefano Cardi (cond)