Amsterdam Composers’ Festival
Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Oosterdokskade 151
7th June h 14.15 Haitinkzaal
“C’è un giardino chiaro” | Fenrych Quartet, María López Belarte
“Une petite fleur bleue” | Fenrych Quartet, Valentin Villard
“Con il disincanto, l’incanto e la frenesia” | Sophie Fetocacis, Eline Welle, Giuditta Isoldi, Navid Niknejad, Joana Daunytė
8th June h 14.15 Theaterzaal
“Saraghina | 红色沙发”
Written and performed by Giuliano Bracci and Hui Tak-Cheung
sound by Kieran Klaassen, lights by Noriko Koide
Read the program of the festival